Newest Member: Btay11


Age: 64..ummmmmmm,, hell born in 1947. You figure it out! "I could have missed the pain, but I would have had to miss the dance." Garth Brooks

Wonderful grand boys

My daughter had little boy # 2 in early February. He is just as adorable as his big brother. A friend tells me that I have "hit the grandchild lottery"!

5 comments posted: Friday, June 8th, 2018

Whatcha all doin' for Canada Day?

Hey, Canadian SI peeps, how are you celebrating Canada Day?

Canada Day dinner will be steaks with shrimp brochettes, sided with homemade poutine (pronounced poo-tin) and sliced red tomatoes. Desserts will be strawberries dipped in white

chocolate and lemon possets topped with raspberries. The centrepiece will be half a watermelon as a "vase" holding watermelon cut in maple leaf shapes on sticks sunk into the vase. Red and white maple leaf tablecloth, with red a white mixed tableware. Gonna be fun!

17 comments posted: Thursday, June 29th, 2017

My lovely lil grandson

He's a big boy now. Seventeen months old and full of energy!

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 2:36 PM, June 5th (Monday)]

6 comments posted: Monday, June 5th, 2017

Cheer up. Summer is coming.

I got tired of freezing rain and slipping on the ice in my driveway, so I painted myself a simple little summer scene to cheer myself up. Dandelions in a field. Never mind that I hate dandelions. LOL.

5 comments posted: Tuesday, January 17th, 2017

Guess what the little boy is doing?

He's mobile!

He started walking more than two weeks ago at 10 1/2 months. Here he is on his 11-month birthday. He tries his hand (feet?) at running. Doesn't always succeed,

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 5:24 AM, December 2nd (Friday)]

8 comments posted: Thursday, December 1st, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving... all my SI American friends.

Have some dark turkey meat for me.

2 comments posted: Thursday, November 24th, 2016

Christmas? Anyone?

I'm getting ready! Yes, yes, I know I am crazy for Christmas, for any special holiday. As crazy as I am for Thanksgiving decoration, think at least 1.5 times that much for Christmas decoration. If there was a support group for people crazy about Christmas, I would be forced to join it. So far I have

1) bought an old picture, refurbished the frame with red enamel, and replaced the old pic with a homemade chalkboard, on which I've written part of a Christmas carol,

2) bought lumber and screws and made a 30" x 36" WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS! sign with stencils and paint,

(It's just a little off at the end! Got tired, I guess.)

3) spray painted 18 small votive glasses in antique gold, then distressed them, to use to hold small sprays of cedar, a gold ball and a red berry, plus the placecards,

4) made 18 little chalkboard placecards and written all the names of folk attending our Christmas dinner,

5) painted Let it snow in red on a piece of white-painted wood and attached red edging to make a wall hanging,

6) sewed a red fleece pillow and crocheted Believe on it in white cotton,

7) sewed a white cotton duck pillow and spray painted a big silver glitter snowflake from a pattern I cut,

8)wrapped five ivory candles in varying widths of red see through ribbons,

9) rescued an old vine wreath from a thrift shop (paid a dollar), repaired the little bird on it, removed its faded ribbon and added new vibrant red ribbon,

10) made 4 6"x 6" canvasses with the word Joy stencilled, to give as little stocking gifts,

11) bought approx. half of my Christmas gifts

12) decided on the decor for both my holiday tables, buffet, outside door, the stair railing and the living room window,

13) changed my Thanksgiving (it's earlier here in Canada) decor tree to a Christmas tree by removing the orange flowers, adding some gold sand, and attaching some varied-size glass balls.

Haven't given one moment's worth of time to my Christmas menu. That's next. I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 comments posted: Friday, November 18th, 2016

Halloween fun

Happy Halloween, everyone! Trick yerselves out and treat yerselves well!

6 comments posted: Monday, October 31st, 2016

Halloween fun

Sigh. Posted twice.

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 2:30 PM, October 31st (Monday)]

0 comment posted: Monday, October 31st, 2016

Canadian Thanksgiving

I hope all my Canadian friends on SI had an absolutely wonder Thanksgiving. Happy days from my house to yours.

2 comments posted: Tuesday, October 11th, 2016

How to dress for school

This is what my No 2 granddaughter is wearing to class today! Sorry, Orioles fans!

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 8:04 AM, October 5th (Wednesday)]

2 comments posted: Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

Is anyone crazy for holiday decorating?

I am. I've always been. Valentine's, Easter, Canada Day, Christmas are all occasionsfor me to go all out. Because I can! And it's so freaking much fun.

Canadian Thanksgiving is approaching (Monday next, which is also my birthday, hooray!, so The Great Thanksgiving Makeover has started. Here is some of this Thanksgiving's decor:

A "tree" I fashioned from spray-painted branches and IKEA fake gerberas.

Here's the base of the tree:

A new turquoise burlap runner, candles wrapped with burlap threads and jute twine, and spray-painted gold leaves.

A sign I made for the front door.

Can you post your ideas--past and present--for holiday decor, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas? I get so many of my ideas from stuff I see and read about.

6 comments posted: Tuesday, October 4th, 2016

G2G in the County?

Last year we had a well-attended G2G in Prince Edward County, Ontario. (For the non-Ontario peeps, that's about 1/2 hour south of the city of Belleville, Ontario.) In spite of the no-pool cool weather, I think we all enjoyed it. I know I did.

I'm happy to host again--if anyone is interested. I have company, though, for the next three weekends, so the first weekend I could do it would be the weekend after Labour Day, either Saturday or Sunday.

I have room for a fair number of people to overnight.

Post here if you are interested in a G2G.

Mention if you wish to stay over.

Mention if you are interested in touring some of the County's better wineries. We can pool cash and rent a limo so no one has to drive under the influence. Or we can make the non-drinkers the designated drivers. There IS a shuttle that takes you to a bunch of wineries in my area, but it doesn't stop at some of my faves.

The County also has quite a few breweries.

Mention if you'd like to eat wood-fired pizza in a vineyard with a glass of vino.

There's a lovely courtyard restaurant under the trees and a terrific view at Inn on the Mountain. Google it. It's not McDonald's budget, but always worth the extra. The owners, the Chretien family, also own a brewpub overlooking the water just across the street.The Lake on the Mountain is a geological mystery. Google it, too.

County Cider in Waupoos has a restaurant in the orchard/viineyard and the BEST pear cider ever!

Or we could just barbie at my place. This is what we did last year and it seemed to work well. We didn't see much of the County, but we sure talked a LOT! Bring whatever protein and fun fluids you prefer, and I'll provide salads/desserts. Or I'll provide proteins and you bring salads/desserts and your personal poison. If anyone wants to bring along a magnum of Veuve Cliquot--LOL, Mamazen!--so much the better, but we won't expect it.

Question for last year's attendees: Did I make my Persian chicken? It's always a crowd pleaser but I can't recall if I did.

If you overnight, we can go en masse to Rockin' Rogers for a cheap and cheerful bacon and eggs or if you want to go upscale, to the Drake Devonshire for brunch after 10 a.m. Sunday.

There's an Art Trail that takes you into artists'

studios. I know some of the artists. Mention if you are interested in this.

Also mention if there's anything else in the County that you'd like to see or explore.

30 comments posted: Monday, August 15th, 2016

And...we have a crawler!

A month ago, little 6-month-old GS became mobile. Now every day he is getting faster and faster at crawling. He gets into the cats' water and food bowls--and pulls their tails. He crawls to the mirror and kisses the "other boy".

He's eating some solid foods, though most of it ends up on his shirt or the floor. I made him some applesauce and fed it to him.

He's a happy, lovely little boy, and we all love him like the dickens!

13 comments posted: Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

Grandkid sighting

Newest grandkid (GS1) is almost six months old. Time flies! Here he is two weeks ago.

1 comment posted: Friday, June 17th, 2016

Yoo hoo, Sad in Arizona

I saw this and thought of you!

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 10:50 AM, May 3rd (Tuesday)]

3 comments posted: Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016

New wheels--happy or depressed?!

Now that I'm going to be spending more time at my country place, I need a car. Since I moved to Toronto in 1998, I have used public transit and the occasional ZipCar to get around.

Yesterday, against my ecological conscience, I took possession of the perfect car for carting stuff around to art shows. I'm not sure whether I'm happy or depressed!

It's a Mazda5. Anyone have any good or horror stories I should know about this make and model?

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 2:10 PM, April 27th (Wednesday)]

5 comments posted: Tuesday, April 26th, 2016

I need a name for this

I don't get here much any more--my little business is keeping me...yes, busy!

However, I know SI members are the fount of all things wise, humourous and downright fun. So I am calling on you for help.

I attended an extensive papier mache class this weekend. My piece turned out to be a rather--shall we say--"interesting" lady.

She will sit at the side top part of my china cabinet in the County. I have tentatively called her "Ta Dah" because of the way her arms/hands are gesticulating. I'm sure there is a much more clever name out there somewhere and I am inviting suggestions. Have at it! :-)

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 2:27 PM, April 11th (Monday)]

19 comments posted: Monday, April 11th, 2016

Grandchildren alert!

GD2 telling a neighbour's dog to go home. Dog ran off!

GD1 watching her uncle load the car for the trip home.

GS smiling at his grandfather.

7 comments posted: Monday, March 21st, 2016

What's the view from your desk?

This is mine. Small wonder that I love coming to work every morning! It's a painting by Canadian artist Gisele Comtois and I am in love with it.

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 10:48 AM, March 11th (Friday)]

26 comments posted: Friday, March 11th, 2016

Baby grandson update photo

He was 2 months old a few days ago. He’s growing like a weed, smiling, “talking”, and generally being a darling.However, he is not (apparently) all that keen on posing for photos!

15 comments posted: Thursday, February 25th, 2016

A treat for DS

2 comments posted: Thursday, January 28th, 2016

Another great idea for yarn addicts

5 comments posted: Wednesday, January 27th, 2016

For Sazzy and other knitting addicts

17 comments posted: Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

New baby is growing fast!

Baby grandson is 4 weeks old today. I snuggled and cuddled him for 4 1/2 hours yesterday. Yes, non-stop, except to change diapers!

3 comments posted: Monday, January 18th, 2016

New baby pic

Seventeen days old. Little heartthrob!

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 2:34 PM, January 7th (Thursday)]

17 comments posted: Thursday, January 7th, 2016

What was your strangest gift this Christmas?

I got two.

My S/O heard me plotting to exchange my simple compost pile for a large, turnable, self-contained model this spring, so he bought it for me.

My son and daughter gave me a floating cooler for the pool. It holds 12 cans of beer/pop. When I pointed out that it doesn’t have a spot for wine (my bevvie of choice), they sheepishly admitted they mostly bought it for themselves! (They also got me a new chandelier for the County house dining room, so they were excused! LOL.)

26 comments posted: Monday, January 4th, 2016

Merry Christmas, everyone!

I am here alone making a lemon cheesecake, singing along to Christmas carols. I DO love Christmas. Haven't got into the vino yet because I still have to finish the biscuits for the smoked salmon sandwiches in the A.M., but that will follow. I'm planning a lovely dinner: a plate of escargots, followed by steak, a nice cab merlot, baked potato, broccoli and salad, ending with a Christmas cookie--or maybe even two. I make about 30 dozen and rarely eat any!

To all my SI friends who celebrate Christmas, have as happy a day as you possibly can.

Our Christmas has been made even more wonderful by the birth of my grandson--the best Christmas present ever!

4 comments posted: Thursday, December 24th, 2015

Our baby has arrived!

He arrived just before midnight Monday, so he's our little solstice child. His cousins love him. They were rooting for a girl so they could dress her up, but after holding him for a while each, they decided to keep him. He's "cool".

27 comments posted: Thursday, December 24th, 2015

Christmas kitty

6 comments posted: Sunday, December 20th, 2015

2015 Christmas song parody thread now open

Hey, I've just started the 2015 version of our annual Christmas song Parody thread. Mosey on up and join in. Over the past few years we have had some doozies that have made me laugh till I spit and peed my pants. Our newbies are probably feeling pretty down. Let's give them something to smile at.

10 comments posted: Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

For my American friends at Thanksgiving

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 6:12 AM, November 25th (Wednesday)]

3 comments posted: Wednesday, November 25th, 2015

New painting finished

So...I've been concentrating on finishing works in progress for the last months. This past weekend, I finished the first all-new painting I've completed in about a year.

It's not a great photo (bad lighting) but here it is: It's a diptych--each vertically aligned piece is 10" x 30" acrylic on 3/4" wrapped canvas.

Like most of my pieces, this one has lots of texture. A closeup of part of the two panels:

A closeup of the texture on the right panel:

Close up of the texturing on the top of the left panel

4 comments posted: Tuesday, November 17th, 2015

Do I win a prize for first ...????

Saturday I did this:

I never, ever, ever put up my tree till the week before Christmas. It pained me to do this, but do it I had to. I'm not in the country again ti.ll the second weekend in December--the weekend over a dozen of SO's family descend on us for a pre-Christmas Christmas. Bah humbug!

8 comments posted: Monday, November 9th, 2015

Girls up a tree! Grandkids sighting!

My son had to cut down a diseased birch in his back yard. His girls decided they'd like to climb it.


[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 9:43 AM, November 9th (Monday)]

5 comments posted: Thursday, November 5th, 2015

Helloooooooo! My name is

FEAR! This is the world's largest spider, a Goliath Bird-Eating tarantula.

7 comments posted: Saturday, October 31st, 2015

What's for lunch?

Over Thanksgiving (Canadian) and my birthday which always occur together, I got a bit off-track on my healthy, portion-controlled eating. Not going down that road again, so yesterday I got back on the horse and did a day-long lemon and water fast. That was hard, especially at dinner because I was watching the Blue Jays baseball game. Snacks would have been yummy. I resisted. (Proud of myself.)

Today for lunch, I am having tomato soup, homemade with tomatoes and basil from my garden, and a few cubes of feta cheese. Dessert will be an apple fresh from my own trees plus a few raw almonds. At that point I will feel so virtuous, I should be going to church!

When I eat healthy, for a few days I miss the bad eating! Then the good eating feels so good, I don't mind.

What are y'all having for lunch today?

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 10:31 AM, October 22nd (Thursday)]

14 comments posted: Thursday, October 22nd, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

To all my Canadian friends here on SI, Happy Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for the continued health of my immediate family and friends (given the non-health of some members of the extended family), and for the upcoming birth of my third grandchild. I am happy, I have food to eat, a roof over my head, and space to roam. I am better off than a lot of the world's population and I try to share my good fortune with others.

I have 15 people for dinner Sunday. The more the merrier at Thanksgiving, I always say. We will eat:

Hors d'oeuvres:

Roasted cashews with deep-fried sage leaves

Crostini with herbed goat cheese and tomato jam bits

Marinated feta with olive oil and herbes de Provence.

Smoked salmon devilled eggs

Hummus, pita chips and red pepper sticks

Spoons of Caesar salad

First course:

Cream of Pumpkin Soup with sour cream, toasted pepitas and bacon garnish

Main course:

Turkey with dressing and gravy

Mashed potatoes

Steamed Brussels sprouts (few beans for William)

Roasted root vegetables

Cranberry sauce & gravy


Homemade triple-layer chocolate cake with white cream filling and fudge buttercream frosting

Blueberry Lemon Mascarpone tart (SI members who came to the County gettogether may remember this tart)



Bailey’s, etc.

Coffee, tea

What are YOU serving for Thanksgiving and what are you thankful for?

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 1:55 PM, October 9th (Friday)]

9 comments posted: Friday, October 9th, 2015

The "Some Day I'll Get Around to It" thread

Some years ago, my son asked me to do a stylized hot pepper painting for his kitchen. Last weekend, after having his drawing for at least two years, but not knowing what to do with it, I finally made a start on it--with spray paint. His response: "LMAO. I'd have fired any other artists by now."

I'm liking the start.I told him I might finish it in another two weeks. Or two years.

Who else has put off and put off? There must be more than me!

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 11:19 AM, September 17th (Thursday)]

30 comments posted: Thursday, September 17th, 2015

It's been a while

since I shared a painting.

After having this one on the go for several years, I finally finished it recently. It's called "1998" (which incidentally is the year my life blew up!).

6 comments posted: Thursday, September 10th, 2015

Back to school kiddie photos

My grandkids went off to school yesterday morning, clothed for rain, laughing their heads off because they were so happy to be going back to school.


[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 7:16 PM, September 10th (Thursday)]

4 comments posted: Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

The Big Waupooski

If YOU heard that name, what would you think it was?

8 comments posted: Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

Yay! More grandkid pictures!

My GDs have been having a wonderful summer.


[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 9:05 AM, August 14th (Friday)]

5 comments posted: Tuesday, August 11th, 2015

So.....Lenny Kravitz, eh?

I just LOVE Steven Tyler's text to him after his pants split on-stage! Dude!

11 comments posted: Wednesday, August 5th, 2015

Flower power

One of my new dahlias. Apart from some insect having given it a few abnormal holes, it's perfect.

1 comment posted: Friday, July 31st, 2015

My little helper

I was unpacking one of the last boxes from my move when I got an unexpected "helper".

7 comments posted: Monday, July 27th, 2015

Ontario August G2G--anyone in?

OK, everyone, see you tomorrow, Aug. 8, for lunch. Make sure you bring a bathing suit and towel!

Attending so far:



OnlyTime and S/O


Looking Forward

Devasted30 and S/O






I've been reluctant to do anything until I saw if we would actually HAVE a summer! Since it fluctuates, I suppose we should all carry on regardless,

I'm perfectly happy to host an impromptu G2G at my place in Prince Edward County on weekend of August 8-9--one or both days.

Prince Edward County is one of Ontario's wine regions. If anyone is interested in doing a wine tour, there's a limo service available that will drive hearty drinkers to various wineries and I can give you the booking number. One of the best wineries--Karlo--is near my house, in walking distance. Just out the road a bit is Hillier Estate, which may not have the BEST wines of the area, but boasts a wood-fired outdoor pizza oven that produces the most yummy lunch in a great setting. Huff Estate in Bloomfield is twinned with Oeno Art Gallery for any artsy types. And of course, there's the pool for those you'd rather hang around, sip G'n'Ts and swim. :-)

There's a restaurant in Wellington that opens for brekkie around 7:30 every day, and several very nice places to eat nearby. No nightlife to speak of unless you're into jazz or want to drive to Picton.

I have four spare bedrooms--three with large beds, one with bunk beds, and a large sofa, so I can accommodate a few peeps overnight. There's also loads of room for campers and/or tents.

Bring towels for the pool and any high-octane drinks you like to imbibe. I'll provide lunch and dinner Saturday for everyone. If people want to stay longer, maybe some people can bunch together and plan a meal or two for Sunday.


[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 8:05 AM, August 7th (Friday)]

48 comments posted: Monday, July 27th, 2015

Anyone's cat think s(he)'s a dog?

My English-style Russian blue cat (Ekaterina) has mastered the game of Fetch. And SHE lets us know when she wants to play. She trots (or gallops) up to us with her soft, crinkly ball in her mouth, drops it at our feet, and mews as if to say, "OK, let's play already." We throw, she retrieves and drops the ball at our feet. (OK, sometimes she plays with the ball a bit long before she trots back to us with it in her mouth, mews to let us know it's there, and waits for us to toss it again.)

When I was told that Russian blues will play Fetch, I was skeptical. How wrong I was!

Last night she decided she wanted to play Fetch at 11 p.m. when we were already in bed. We are so amazed by her that we indulged her for a while, but she was still trying to continue the game long after we turned of the lights!

My girlfriend told me she once had a calico that would play Fetch for hours. Anyone else's cat think they're a dog?

14 comments posted: Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015

Who's off for a week?


Anyone else? What are you planning to do with your time off?

I'm heading tonight to my country place for the next 9 days by myself. Highlights for the week include:

--replacing my water treatment system


--having a septic pumping service look at my septic tank to see if it needs pumping (uuuggggghhhhh)

--meeting with a landscaper to plan upgrades to planters around the house


--having a junk removal service come to take away all the previous owner's crap that's under the back deck


--pulling weeds in the vegetable garden

--edging around property

--painting at least one large canvas

--making a start on staining the extensive deck system

--maybe moving my garden shed so it doesn't block lower level windows (stupidest placement EVER!)


--trying to organize my country office

--lying in my new chair hammock, reading a good book

--crashing into bed at 9 every night, totally exhausted

Oh, and did I mention swimming?

9 comments posted: Friday, July 10th, 2015

Bollywood Shakespeare, anyone?

Tonight I am attending Tarragon Theatre's production of Much Ado About Nothing--staged Bollywood-style! Doesn't that sound like it would be a hoot? I can't wait to see Benedick and Beatrice snipe at each other in riotous song!

4 comments posted: Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

Easter dinner

My family is stuck on ham, scallopped potatoes and Brussels sprouts. While I do love that meal, at times I could serve something else.

What are you having? Maybe I can live vicariously.

24 comments posted: Tuesday, March 31st, 2015

Fifty shades of grey

5 comments posted: Monday, March 30th, 2015

And now I unleash my evil powers.

1 comment posted: Monday, March 23rd, 2015

Thank you, Fun & Games!

A big, good crop today! Thanks for making me

9 comments posted: Friday, March 20th, 2015

Oh the pain, the pain!

I have been prettying my house for resale. Lots of painting and strongarming furniture around. Yesterday I stuccoed a section of wall. My muscles have gone on strike. My back is a mass of knots.

At lunch today, I had a one-hour appointment with my massage therapist. She touched my back and asked, "How the hell are you standing erect?"

"I'm not," I said. "I'm only semi-erect."

Then, being a smart-ass of long standing, I added, "I need Viagra for the back."

My appointment ran over, she laughed so long.

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 3:05 PM, March 16th (Monday)]

3 comments posted: Monday, March 16th, 2015

Does anyone know?

For the second time in a year, my co-worker is on the phone, complaining about a bed she has purchased. (The first one was returned and replaced.) She is claiming that the bed has developed indents and the fabric is stretched. No word of a lie, she is a tad under 6 feet and weighs over 300 pounds. Her husband is over 6 feet and weighs around 350 pounds. What freaking bed in the world could hold up to that kind of pressure?

My question is: Are beds supposed to be built to take that kind of punishment? Does anyone know?

Or, is someone somewhere (i.e., the bed manufacturer) about to explain to her that the bed is maybe not the problem?

16 comments posted: Monday, March 16th, 2015

Where I wish I were today

4 comments posted: Friday, March 13th, 2015

Granddaughters go to Mexico

My darlings were in Mexico last week for a destination wedding. (Only a pre-planned important funding meeting kept me from being there, too. Rats!) They got all dressed up (except being barefoot!) to strew rose petals in the bride's path. Here they are, all ready to strew.


[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 7:19 AM, March 15th (Sunday)]

7 comments posted: Monday, March 9th, 2015

So sad but true

I just realized that I'm too old to be painting (walls) for 8 1/2 hours straight.

What can you no longer do that tees you off?

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 4:43 PM, March 7th (Saturday)]

22 comments posted: Saturday, March 7th, 2015

What do you think about...

mushroom soup?

I love it, especially homemade with a mixture of various mushrooms. I have a pot brewing for dinner. It smells awesome.

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 11:41 AM, March 1st (Sunday)]

8 comments posted: Sunday, March 1st, 2015

Tales from the frozen North, Part 99

Well, cold damn! My 10 o’clock meeting is delayed because the Nature Canada staff who flew in from Ottawa are stuck on Toronto Island. There’s so much ice in the channel, the ferry can’t get through. Oy.

9 comments posted: Wednesday, February 25th, 2015

What's for dinner?

I tested my newest fish recipe tonight. It's Citrus Salmon. I like my own cooking, but OMG, I do believe I outdid myself on this one, LOL. It is sooooo seriously yummy, I even ate the portion I was supposed to save for lunch tomorrow. Sided it with a basmati and wild rice mix and broccolini.

16 comments posted: Monday, February 23rd, 2015

Kitty pic

My baby cat likes her country home. She finds it quite relaxing.

12 comments posted: Monday, February 23rd, 2015

It's -18C here today

-28C with the windchill. That's -18+F. Anyone wanna come swim on the beach?

When will this shit end? I don't have any moisture left in my body.

16 comments posted: Thursday, February 19th, 2015

So pretty. So nasty.

I went to the country house for the long weekend. Arrived and couldn't get my car into my long drive because it had snowed and snowed the previous couple of days. My old neighbour ploughs my drive, but his wife had taken ill and was in the hospital, so he had other things on his mind. (He didn't know we were going out, either.) We parked in his driveway (with permission, of course) and hauled all our gear all the way over to my place. From the road to the house, I floundered through snow up to my ass, carrying my kitty's travel carrier. Look at this!

Those are my footsteps--or should I say, leg steps! The rectangular shapes in the snow? That's kitty's carrier.

That's my neighbour's grandson trying to clear the f'ing white stuff!

Here's the gorgeous beach where we walk at sunset.

And the view from the restaurant/bar where we like to sit and share a bottle of wine and an appetizer.

And finally, here's what I see looking out my kitchen patio door.

I laughed all the way from the road to the house because I was transported back to being a kid and coming home with our snowsuits so crusted with snow, that our mum would be very cranky! But it got old fast. Couple this snowfall with -25C (-13F) temperatures. I. Have. Had. Enough. I needs me some sun and sand--sand that isn't covered with six feet of ice with a two-foot snow cap.

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 2:46 PM, February 17th (Tuesday)]

14 comments posted: Tuesday, February 17th, 2015

I made it to work, but my staff is sick

Yeah, it's interesting how she's only sick on a Monday or when the weather is crappy. Smart girl!

I had the Commute From Hell 2. No sidewalks cleared, bus late, subways delayed and way overcrowded, stood up all the way. Left home half an hour earlier (after digging out from the house) than usual and arrived at work one minute past start time, where I usually arrive half an hour before start.

Now I ask you, who's the smart one?

And I also ask you, why did I write this in Fun and Games?

6 comments posted: Monday, February 2nd, 2015

I want to go south

I'm sick of cold weather. SICK!!!!! I want to go where there's warm sun, beaches and surf. S/O can't get away right now, so I have to decide if I want to go somewhere on my own. It's kind of boring alone.

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 3:14 PM, January 22nd (Thursday)]

13 comments posted: Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

Merry Christmas

I'm on my way to the land that internet forgot, so Merry Christmas to all SIers who celebrate it and Happy New Year to everyone. Unless I find my way to an internet cafe somewhere, I won't be checking in till Jan. 5. Stay safe. Stay well. ENJOY!

5 comments posted: Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014

Bring it on!

The cookies are baked. The nuts are spiced and roasted; the sun-dried olives are marinated with rosemary, olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, walnut pieces and hot chili flakes; the foie gras torchon is wrapped in the fridge; the salad dressings are shaken; the creme fraiche and wasabi cream are nestled in their bottles; the flourless chocolate torte (for the celiac members of the fam) and the creme brulee cheesecake (including a homemade marshmallow topping)are baked and frozen.

Gifts are wrapped. Everything except food is packed to go to the country. I'm in a County frame of mind.

BRING IT ON! I'm ready for Christmas.

(And what I discovered is: We have way too many Christmas food traditions. LOL.)

4 comments posted: Sunday, December 21st, 2014

Grandkid sightings

Here they are, fresh from the Christmas tree trimming! Please add your darlings' photos below!!!

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 2:12 PM, December 19th (Friday)]

0 comment posted: Friday, December 19th, 2014

Santa's Reindeer Cam

My GDs like to watch Santa's reindeer.

Santa is due to make an appearance at 11 a.m. eastern. The elves are getting ready.

4 comments posted: Thursday, December 18th, 2014

Happy Chanukah

However you spell it, I wish all my SI Jewish friends a happy holiday.

7 comments posted: Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

What's in your cup?

In mine? Water that I just fetched because my lunch sushi has made me incredibly thirsty.

I don't drink coffee throughout the day. Occasionally if I'm cold, I'll make myself a cup of tea.

16 comments posted: Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

White stuff

So...Toronto got 8 inches of snow yesterday. NOT 8 feet--the only time I have ever been happy that Buffalo beat Toronto!

4 comments posted: Friday, December 12th, 2014

Hear ye! Hear ye!

The 2014 version of skewed Christmas songs has been started in General. Feel free to contribute. Let`s make the newbies feel welcome!

1 comment posted: Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

If you like hilarity...

... watch this video of high school students playing silent monks performing The Hallelujah Chorus! I laughed till my sides hurt!

3 comments posted: Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

Is it time again for the pics of Christmas past?

My favourite Christmas photos:

My first GD on her second Christmas.

My kids with my dear friend and their paternal Granny:

My son with a Christmas book, 1985

And finally, the year my S/O decided to put a Santa hat on a sculpture.

7 comments posted: Thursday, December 4th, 2014

I’m in love.

I got home last night dog-tired from getting up at 4:30 to drive back from the country, then work a full day. Soon as I got home and ate, I hauled myself upstairs to bed. That was 7:45. (Yep, old lady bedtime!) My new kitty burrowed under the bedclothes at the bottom of the bed and crawled up to nearly where I was. If she does this, she usually loses interest and as soon as you lift the covers and spot her, she’s off. Last night, I lifted the covers and saw her dear little face with her huge green eyes staring back at me. She looked at me as if to say, “It’s OK, I’m here.” She stayed there until my S/O got home just after 10 and then she raced to greet him at the front door. I couldn’t believe it. I peeked at her numerous times, petted her (and she purred), and still she stayed right there beside me, under the duvet. What a sweetheart. I love her beyond words!

5 comments posted: Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014

Funny for Monday

1 comment posted: Monday, December 1st, 2014

So the grandkids went riding

The ladies had their first rising lessons this past weekend. Oh no, another generation of my family will now be obsessed by horses!They started on a pony, but in the summer, in the County, they will graduate to a full-sized mount.

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 8:00 AM, November 17th (Monday)]

14 comments posted: Monday, November 17th, 2014

New kitty pic

Ekaterina likes to channel her inner puma by hanging out on the stairs above the dining room while we eat dinner. She extends her body over the edge of the stairs; she does body rolls on the stairs. I swear one of these evenings she will drop into my plate! She is really feeling at home now and we love her to pieces.

[This message edited by lynnm1947 at 7:38 PM, November 10th (Monday)]

7 comments posted: Monday, November 10th, 2014

Whatcha doin' this weekend?

For the longest time, I finally have a weekend where I have absolutely nothing to do, nowhere to go. I can't decide if that is good or pathetic!!!!

What are you all doing this weekend? Let me live vicariously.

22 comments posted: Friday, November 7th, 2014


9 comments posted: Monday, November 3rd, 2014

Soft kitty, warm kitty...

E-Kat has established a lair under the stair.

18 comments posted: Thursday, October 23rd, 2014

If you don't venture out of F & G,

...then you probably haven't been introduced to my new kitty. This is Czarina Ekaterina Maximova, Ekaterina or E-kat for short. She is beautiful, elegant, sweet-tempered, lively, inquisitive as all get out, and soft as silk.

5 comments posted: Thursday, October 16th, 2014

It's hot here, yet summer is really over

I was at my country place this weekend. The temperature rose to the high 20s Celsius and I even dipped into the pool a couple of times. But the trees are all decked out in their fall finery, the leaves on my tomato plants are getting wrinkled and dry, and the fields have been harvested. Sigh. Summer--such as it was--is really over. I feel cheated.

14 comments posted: Monday, September 29th, 2014

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