Newest Member: Btay11


BW (ME) 62 FWH 62 M-36 YRS, D-Day #1 2/11/12-FWH SAY ONLY EA TT BS From FWH For 3.5 YRS! D-Day #2 12/3/15-FWH SAYS ALWAYS A PA SAME OW! OW/EXGF 61 Nasty White Trailer TRASH Who Dumped WS 42 Yrs Ago

Any Fellow SI'ers Up For A Las Vegas Trip 3/5-3/8 with 2 Other SI'ers?

Hi fellow SI friends,

Hi SI friends,

Does Anyone Want To Join Us For A Short And Super Fun Trip To Las Vegas With 2 Other Hilarious SI’ers LuvsMeLuvsMeNot & 20yrsagoBS? laugh laugh

We’ll Be Flying Out To Las Vegas On Sunday 3/5 And Flying Out On Wednesday 3/8. Going To See Rupaul Drag Race. Anyone Who Wants To Go Doesn't Have To Do The Same Stuff That We Do. We Just Thought It Would Be Fun To Go To That 1 Show.

We’ve Already Booked The Hotel And Our Flights (She’s Flying From Florida And I’m Flying From Michigan).

Please Feel Free To Reply Or PM Either Of Us If Interested In Joining Us.

Warmest wishes,

LuvsMeLuvsMeNot & 20yrsagoBS

9 comments posted: Friday, February 24th, 2023

Help! I Need Truthfinder Reports Run

If anyone currently has a Truthfinder account please PM me.

3 comments posted: Sunday, March 15th, 2020

Help Needed Asap…….Scram & False Positives!!!

Are there any SI member attorneys who have experience with the SCRAM devices and their notoriously "FALSE POSITIVES" specifically in regards to "OBSTRUCTIONS"?

I desperately need help from someone who can assist me immediately!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

P.S. There have NOT been any Alerts or Tampers.

1 comment posted: Thursday, October 25th, 2018

Mod Please

I need a mod please.

1 comment posted: Monday, March 5th, 2018

Mod please!

Quick question

3 comments posted: Monday, April 17th, 2017

Pipl, Spydialer, Fb & ????

Does anyone know of any other sources to find out who a phone number belongs to other than PIPL, Spydialer or FB?

4 comments posted: Monday, April 17th, 2017

Warning! Do not use! AndroidLost App Camera Has Clicking Sound!

The most recent version of the Android Lost app was released on August 1, 2016 AND there is a SERIOUS glitch that they are saying is a “safety” feature. If you sent the command remotely to take a picture with EITHER the "Front camera" OR the "Rear camera" that feature NOW makes quite a loud clicking sound of a picture being taken and there is NO WAY to disable, turn the volume off within the phone's "settings" or within the camera's "settings". Unfortunately, this loud picture taking sound is a surefire way, for the person whose phone the Android Lost app is installed on to quickly become suspicious that their cell phone is somehow being monitored and controlled "remotely".

I just found this out this week myself when I got my husband a new phone and I re-installed the app and then I tried ALL of the features I always use and that’s when I discovered that the August 1, 2016 update had changed in regards to the "Camera" app from the previous version which always took pictures with NO sound and NO flash which was perfect when doing any surveillance.

The good news though about this 8/1/2016 update though is that you no longer need to re-boot the phone (which is what you used to have to do to make the "Personal Notes" icon disappear from the home screen) after you disabled the icon from showing on the home screen by using the "Hide package" option. Now, when you log into the website then click on the "Security" icon and then scroll down to the "Package display" box and click on the button that says "Hide package" the "Personal Notes" icon that is currently visible on the home screen disappears within seconds and is now "officially" hidden.

0 comment posted: Sunday, August 14th, 2016

Anyone currently using the Samsung Galaxy S5 & Android Lost App?

I realize that the Samsung Galaxy S5 is an Android based OS but I'm just wondering if anyone has actually used the Android Lost app by Theis Borg that you download from the Google Playstore.

I have been using the Android Lost app on my FWH's Droid 4 for the past year with absolutely no problems but now he's looking at changing to the Samsung Galaxy S5 which is sending me into panic mode since I am not familiar with that phone and I'm just concerned I will lose one of my 2 best surveillance tools.

So, I'm just wondering if anyone has used or is currently using it on that specific model and do all of the features work correctly on it?

14 comments posted: Friday, August 12th, 2016 Appearing On Mobile & On Laptop?

Can anyone please help me out with these questions since I personally know nothing about Twitter but I have just seen it on my FWH's WebWatcher data report AND also in his Browser activity in the Android Lost app that I have installed on his cellphone.

This is what I see in from the WebWatcher data report on his laptop:

This is what I see in his Browser history on his cell:

Log In

Password Reset

Welcome To Twitter

I saw the Twitter thing one other time on his phone's browser and I asked him if he has a Twitter account and he said (of course) absolutely not!

So, how would or could I go about finding out if he definitely does have a Twitter account and is this an app that could be used to cheat if the OW had a Twitter account as well or is this just another app to "meet" people that he can randomly talk to about whatever?

Thank you in advance if anyone can help me out!

3 comments posted: Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

Found A Phenomenal Keylogger & It Works Perfectly!

I just wanted to share with my fellow SI'ers who may be looking for an excellent keylogger that works perfectly and gets the job done.

It’s called WebWatcher and you can get it for a PC, A Mac, A Droid phone and an iPhone. Just Google them for their specific website and then check out all of the products they have available. You can also see an actual “example” of the data that it is capable of recording for you. I purchased the 1 year license for $99.95 for a PC and the link to the download was emailed to me within moments. Their tech department even did a complete “remote” installation for me since there is a special thing that they have to do to make sure that the anti-virus completely “ignores and never scans” the keylogger software because otherwise when your spouse runs their anti-virus it will “pop-up” as a keylogger, a Trojan, malware, spyware etc. and will definitely tip your WS off. The software is TOTALLY hidden and there is also NO icon for it either. Thankfully my FWH is not tech savvy at all so I am the only one who ever runs the ant-virus software on our laptops and I do his manually vs. automatically just so that I can make sure that there are no glitches and to verify that the anti-virus never “accidenatlly catches” the keylogger.

The other awesome thing is that I can log into the WebWatcher data site from either my laptop or from my smartphone and see exactly what he’s currently doing or has done on his laptop. Also, it’s only the 2 of us living in our home since our 2 adult children are out on their own so no one else ever uses his laptop except for him so there is no mistaking “who” exactly has been visiting certain websites or doing specific searches. That way, if something is detected & recorded then I know with 100% certainty it was definitely him and no one else.

As an example, when we are sitting in the family room and both on our laptops but our screens are not facing each other at all I just log into the data retrieval site and I can see exactly in “real time” what he is currently looking at, what he has looked at and it even gives me “screen shots” of every website page he has been onto along with the website link so that I can click on that and go right to exactly where he was at. I, of course always keep my screen minimized (in case he walks by he never sees it) and I just look at it occasionally while he’s online.

I do realize we can never really control what another person is going to do if they really want to do it but I can personally say that this has truly been a Godsend for giving me some sense of peace in my "crazy mind" since he like many of our WS's used their personal (non-work) laptops for MANY, MANY of the ways that they found to cheat.

Anyway, I hope that this info is helpful to anyone on SI who is looking for a great keylogger!

14 comments posted: Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

"Parking Lot Confessions" ???

It has now been 3 ½ years since my D-Day with 3 ½ LONG years of TT. So, I have done A LOT of soul searching as to what I feel will REALLY give me the peace of mind to actually be able to move forward focus solely on reconciliation (depending on the results of the poly). The past 3 ½ years of living in constant limbo has been nothing short of physically and mentally exhausting and I’m ready to move forward one way or the other.

I am still interviewing polygraphers as well as narrowing down my 3-4 question limit. The parking lot confessions” that I read so much about is very intriguing to me. It seems from everything that I’ve read that a very high percentage of WS start spilling the beans in the hopes that we the BS will feel that we now have "the truth” and cancel the polygraph. I do not care what he “spills” in a "PLC" I would NEVER, EVER cancel the polygraph for any reason whatsoever!

So, my questions to anyone who has scheduled a polygraph for their FWS are:

1. Have you ever told your FWS that you have scheduled the polygraph appointment and you and your FWS actually drive to the polygraphers office and arrive early (1/2 hour or so) and park in the parking lot waiting for your "appointment time". Yet, unbeknownst to your FWS you really hadn’t scheduled the polygraph appointment yet (you just told them that) to see if they would actually give you a “PLC” aka “parking lot confession”?

2. If you did do a "fake appointment" did you actually get a "parking lot confession" while waiting?

I decided that I would just tell him that I needed to go in alone first to “sign us in” and then when I come back out I would then tell him that “the receptionist” gave us the wrong date but by the time I went in that I would have already gotten a “parking lot confession” from him if I was even going to get one. If I did not get a "PLC" from him then while I’m inside “signing in” then I would schedule the actual appointment. I do realize that this tactic would only work once with him though unless I came out and said that “I didn’t like the office staff or the place when I got in there” then I could actually do it a second time to see if I got a “PLC” that time or even get him to spill some more info.

3. If you did get a “PLC” and it answered 1 or 2 of your questions were you prepared with a couple of back-up questions just in case that situation presented itself?

4. I would like to know if the majority of BS’s actually do get a "PLC" OR am I just optimistic and hoping for something that just may not happen?

So, my fellow SI Peeps if you have any other thoughts or experiences you would like to share I would truly appreciate it!

Thank you very much for sharing!!

P.S. I have not felt strong enough physically nor mentally until now because of a cancer diagnosis (6 weeks before D-Day) and then 3 more assorted surgeries after D-Day along with working full time. In addition, to my medical stuff both of our children were graduating from college (the 1st child only 3 months after D-Day and the 2nd child 15 months after D-Day) along with both of them moving back home while my FWH were trying to work through this for the past 3 ½ years which was absolutely one of the most difficult things to try and do. Our 1st child moved out 1 year ago and the 2nd child just moved out this past week so I now feel that I can really start focusing on myself and my marital relationship. Now, whether or not my FWH can "put his money where his mouth is" and do the VERY HARD WORK on himself and our marriage. If he truly wants to be in this marriage then he needs to stop the TT AND provide me with truth and honesty so that we can start from scratch to re-build on a newly built and firm foundation. There is NO POINT in trying to re-build on the rubble of the “old & dysfunctional” marriage since my FWH lack of boundaries, lack of loyalty, lack of committment etc etc obviously contributed to him making the very deliberate and disastrous decisions that he did for years.

[This message edited by LuvsMeLuvsMeNot at 5:03 PM, October 11th (Sunday)]

3 comments posted: Monday, October 5th, 2015

Android Lost App System Down?

I would like to know if anyone who is using the Android Lost app is having any problems with the app not working at all in the past few days from 8/24-8/26 BUT ONLY during the day?

The weird thing is that it is NOT working at all while he is at work during the day (never had a problem ever before) and then it "miraculously" works after he gets home from work???

Since he is TOTALLY not tech savvy and I have the app hidden he wouldn't even know that it's there but anything is possible though bc last night after he fell asleep in the Family room (in another part of the house and his phone was back in our Master bedroom with me) I checked the app and it said that it was not "enabled" and I KNOW that I would never "disable" that app because it has been an absolute Godsend to me.

So, I am wondering if he is "disabling" it during the day so that I can't see anything and then he "re-activates" it after he gets home from work but he "forgot" to re-activate it last night?

Just wondering if anyone else is having the same problem bc maybe it's just a glitch in the Android Lost system right now?

2 comments posted: Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

Aol Support "Restored" Intentionally Deleted Emails For Me!

I just wanted to share my phenomenal experience with AOL support in regards to retrieving over 200 emails that were intentionally deleted by my FWH because he told me that he was "mad" at me (really mature I know) for something he thought I did but then he later found out that it was actually an AOL glitch.

Luckily, I discovered within about an hour that he had deleted these specific emails that were in a special folder within his AOL email. I was totally devastated because I have ADHD and my emails and Palm Pilot entries are what help me "remember/reference" when and what happened in different points in my life. These emails also included love letters etc. from my FWH to me at different points in our relationship. I have actually been in the process of moving them to my AOL account but I had not finished doing that yet and he was aware of that.

Anyway I digress, as soon as I discovered that they had been deleted I immediately called AOL support and they asked me for his email address and his "Security Question" which I knew. I told them that they had been "accidentally" deleted. He told me that he could help me and that they can "restore" the emails but that they only go back about 10 days which was fine for me and that I could check within about 10 minutes and they would all be "restored". Well, he was right and thankfully they did all reappear along

Now, for the ironic twist to the rest of the story. My FWH thought that I had gone into his AOL account and deleted ALL of his contacts which was actually the AOL glitch that I originally mentioned and that if I hadn't called AOL support to have my missing emails restored then my FWH never would have gotten his hundreds of contacts back!

So, the real point of my story is that if you have a WS who has just recently deleted emails in their "secret" email account(s) on D-Day don't give up hope because they just may be able to restore them the way that AOL did for me. I can't speak for all email carriers but AOL was a Godsend for my situation.

Oh, how I wished I would have known about this option when I discovered his "secret" email account because I would have called myself or made him call and asked them to "restore" all of the emails that he had deleted from his "secret" Yahoo account on D-Day. Personally, I would have been ecstatic for even just 10 days of emails from that "secret" account that he had used exclusively to communicate with his Ex/gf AP.

Hopefully, this can help another SI member in their quest for knowledge about what was going on in their WS's "other" life.

2 comments posted: Thursday, July 30th, 2015

Has Anyone Ever Used Dr . Fone On An iPod Touch 4?

I recently purchased the Dr. Fone software and I'm really disappointed because the "Free" version found exactly the same stuff as the "Paid" version even when I did the "Scan" several times in the "Advanced Mode".

I read a lot about the Dr. Fone software before I purchased it and how it retrieves texts, etc. etc. but I have not had the same experience at all.

So, my question is has anyone else purchased the "Paid" version and used it on an iPod Touch 4 and actually hit "pay dirt" like many people have when using it on an iPhone?

Thank you!

0 comment posted: Tuesday, July 7th, 2015

Software To Read Yahoo IM's From The Yahoo Folder On The C Drive

Does anyone know if there is a software program (free or paid)that can read Yahoo Messenger IM's from a "Yahoo Messenger IM Folder" (which is on the hard drive) located on a laptop? It appears that they are typically XML and DAT files.

I am looking for something similar to the Dr. Fone software which even the free trial version worked perfectly in retrieving what they promised the software would and could do directly from the iPod Touch itself as well as from an iTunes back- up on the actual laptop.

Thank you in advance my tech savvy SI friends!!

4 comments posted: Friday, April 24th, 2015

Fantastic Experience At Our SE MI G2G On 2/28!!

*Validation* *True Acceptance* *Supportive* *Non-Judgemental* *Sincerity*

These are just a few of the words that perfectly describe our very first G2G this past Saturday on 2/28 at our home. My hubby and I can say without a doubt that it truly was the most rewarding and inspirational experience that we have ever been privileged to be a part of!!

We also would like to give a great big thanks to all of our wonderful guests who took the time out of their busy lives to spend it helping one another by sharing their own personal stories and triumphs. So, thank you very, very much to wifehad5 & BrokenRoad, DrJekyll & holesinmybucket, little turtle & hubby, befuddledhubbie, sorrowfulmate & Questioningall and defyinggravity! It was so great meeting all of you!!

Hi everybody,

This is Mr. LuvsMe's hubby and since I am not registered on SI I wanted to say a few things as well to everyone who attended.

I honestly had no idea what to expect since we had never been to a G2G and we have never been in the presence of other WS or BS's where we could openly talk about our own situation. I have seen how much stress this adds to my BW because she constantly has to be on watch (or on very high alert) as to what she says when we do go out with friends. I was very nervous since I am the WS and was worried I would feel out of place but I could not have asked for a more sincere acceptance than what I received on Saturday.

I want to thank all of the supportive people who didn't look at me like I was crazy when I asked that question that every WS seems to ask "What is this hard work that I have to do?”

By the end of the evening I really had a much better understanding of "What that hard work" is all about. Out of our 12 guests (LuvsMe and I being 2 of those 12) there were

5 BW, 2 BH, 1 WW, 3 FWH and 1H (who came to support his wife who was a BW in her 1st marriage). Every single one of our guests helped me in their very own way. LuvsMe and I are really looking forward to attending the next G2G so that we can both share with everyone how much I have learned to help myself and LuvsMe, my BW.

Thanks everybody!

3 comments posted: Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

SI Peeps It's The 1 Week Countdown To The SE MI G2G On 2/28!!

UPDATE 2/22/2015!!

The countdown is on and we are now just 6 days away from our G2G next Saturday on 2/28. If anyone else would like to join us please just let us know as we would love to have you join us all!

DATE-Saturday 2/28

TIME-12-8 Come anytime that you can join us

LOCATION-Troy, MI ***Specific directions via pm

DRESS CODE-Anything you feel comfortable in

CONVERSATION TOPICS-Nothing is off limits

FOOD-We’ll provide the Honeybaked ham, Chicken Shack Chicken, Lasagna, croissants/bread, homemade potato salad, baked cheesy potatoes, shrimp cocktail, spinach & artichoke dip, cheese & crackers, chips, pretzels, Cheetos, Doritos, trail mix, M & M’s, fresh fruit salad, freshly baked desserts and Italian bakery dessert treats.

REFRESHMENTS-Coffee, Tea, Pop, Bottled water, Homemade punch

MENTAL BREAK ENTERTAINMENT-We do have games and tons of dvds but please feel free to bring either with you but not necessary.


Drury Inn

575 West Big Beaver Rd. Troy, MI 48084

(248) 528-3330

Candlewood Suites

2550 Troy Center Dr. Troy, MI

(248) 269-6600

Red Roof Inn

2350 Rochester Ct. Troy MI 48083

(248) 689-4391

DEFINITE Attendees

HOSTS-LuvsMe & hubby

wifehad5 & BrokenRoad

DrJekyll & holesinmybucket

little turtle & hubby

sorrowfulmate & Questioningall



Any additional ideas or suggestions that anyone would like to share we would sincerely appreciate.

We have a 2,000 sq. ft. ranch so there’s plenty of room for everyone who would like to attend. We also have an open Kitchen/Family Rm with a large snack bar with barstools and a Library with French doors for smaller group discussions if desired. Lastly, we do have hardwood floors throughout our home so please feel free to bring your slippers if you would feel more comfy.

[This message edited by LuvsMeLuvsMeNot at 4:51 AM, February 26th (Thursday)]

30 comments posted: Sunday, February 22nd, 2015

Southeast MI 2/28 G2G Details!!

UPDATE 1/31/2015!!

The countdown is on and we are now just 4 weeks (as of 1/31) away from our G2G. If anyone else would like to join us please just let us know!

Also, since a few attendees have inquired about nearby hotel options we have included a few hotel websites and contact info (see below).

DATE-Saturday 2/28

TIME-12-8 Come anytime that you can join us

LOCATION-Troy, MI ***Specific directions via pm

DRESS CODE-Anything you feel comfortable in

CONVERSATION TOPICS-Nothing is off limits

FOOD-We’ll provide the Honeybaked ham, Chicken Shack Chicken, Lasagna, croissants/bread, homemade potato salad, baked cheesy potatoes, shrimp cocktail, spinach & artichoke dip, cheese & crackers, chips, pretzels, Cheetos, Doritos, trail mix, M & M’s, fresh fruit salad, freshly baked desserts and Italian bakery dessert treats.

***Please feel free to bring a dish to pass but it is not necessary.

REFRESHMENTS-Coffee, Tea, Pop, Bottled water, Homemade punch

MENTAL BREAK ENTERTAINMENT-We do have games and tons of dvds but please feel free to bring either with you but not necessary.


Drury Inn

575 West Big Beaver Rd. Troy, MI 48084

(248) 528-3330

Candlewood Suites

2550 Troy Center Dr. Troy, MI

(248) 269-6600

Red Roof Inn

2350 Rochester Ct. Troy MI 48083

(248) 689-4391

DEFINITE Attendees

wifehad5 & BrokenRoad

DrJekyll & holesinmybucket

little turtle & hubby



POSSIBLE Attendees


sorrowfulmate & Questioningall


Any additional ideas or suggestions that anyone would like to share we would appreciate.

We have a 2,000 sq. ft. ranch so there should be plenty of room for everyone who would like to attend. We also have an open Kitchen/Family Rm with a large snack bar with barstools and a Library with French doors for smaller group discussions if desired. Lastly, we do have hardwood floors throughout our home so please feel free to bring your slippers if you would feel more comfy.

[This message edited by LuvsMeLuvsMeNot at 8:10 PM, February 21st (Saturday)]

27 comments posted: Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

SI Peeps Interested In A Southeast MI g2g in Jan or Feb?


We would really appreciate input from anyone who may be interested in a g2g as a 1 day Saturday event at our home. We are open to any of these dates: January 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st or February 7th, 14th, 21st or 28th.

Please feel free to share any thoughts or ideas you may have as well!

Thank you!!!

[This message edited by LuvsMeLuvsMeNot at 8:43 PM, January 20th (Tuesday)]

25 comments posted: Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

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