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After covid- wanting to stay inside

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 Gottagetthrough (original poster member #27325) posted at 5:53 PM on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022

As covid regulations relax and the threat (i think??) is pretty much over (as much as it will be?). I am not happy and jumping to go places.

Im tired. I want to stay home. Im a little to ticked off i have to interact w people again

My DD wants to go to a restaurant. Covid days? I could say no way! Covid! But now that excuse doesnt work.

So i will drag my tired butt to tge place she wants to go to, have a good time, and be happiest when i walk thru tge door!

Is this everyone? I thought id be so happy to go out again and im not!

posts: 3835   ·   registered: Jan. 22nd, 2010
id 8740156

FaithFool ( member #20150) posted at 6:17 PM on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022

Since last year I started following epidemiologists and ER docs on twitter. I carry an N95 in every bag I own and wear it anytime I'm indoors in a store or walking through a crowded place indoors or out. Also have a small container of rubbing alcohol that I use after exiting a store or anywhere I may have touched anything, as well as washing hands the minute I get home.

I'm nowhere near ready for indoor dining, just sticking to patios and mostly keeping to myself. Met up with two pals from my old bubble a couple of times at their houses, no masks, all vaxxed and boosted, and nobody got sick. Enjoying patio season for seeing other friends I haven't seen in awhile. All my friends are vaxxed and boosted, and some got Omicron over xmas, most recovered without too much trouble, but it's still a crap shoot if you get reinfected and long Covid is very much a thing that can happen to anyone. It's extremely unpleasant for a lot of folks.

Other than that I'm basically just staying away from places where a lot of people are exhaling, so no concerts, indoor dining or outdoor festival crowds for this kid. With requirements to isolate while infected now gone, you server or flight attendant can be shedding virus and you have no way of knowing. Here in Canada there will soon be unvaccinated folks travelling on trains and planes again after temporary measures are lifted next month. I worry for them because their lack of protection will make them very vulnerable, and big travel surges mean packed airports, all a perfect vector for mingling with everyone coming from overseas hot spots.

Google 'Harvard covid risk calculator' for the lowdown on aerosols and how to avoid them. It's an eye-opener, especially with the Version 4/5 mutation taking hold in time for school in the fall. We are nowhere near done with this.

[This message edited by FaithFool at 11:00 PM, Tuesday, June 14th]

DDay: June 15, 2008
Mistakenly married Mr. Superfreak
20 years of OWs, WTF?
Divorced Dec 26, 2011
"Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget
to sing in the lifeboats". -- Voltaire

posts: 21575   ·   registered: Jul. 7th, 2008   ·   location: Canada
id 8740164

Jeaniegirl ( member #6370) posted at 6:43 PM on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022

I'm with you on this. As a one-year survivor of lung cancer, my surgeon tells me this isn't over and I should always wear a mask when 'away from home.' So I do. I do NOT go out a lot as I'm working from home - but one HAS to go out occasionally to survive. Three days ago I was in the check out line at the grocery store and a woman behind me was coughing SO MUCH that it sounded like she needed to be in the hospital. She looked deathly ill and kept getting closer and closer to me. Of course I had my mask on and finally when she got within 4 to 5 feet of me, still coughing and hacking, I turned around and said ..."Don't you have a mask??" and her reply: I don't believe in them.

I informed her I'm a lung cancer survivor and to please back away. She just shrugged her shoulders and acted like she didn't care.

We had 5,000 NEW cases in 4 days in my state. While it's better, it's NOT over.

"Because I deserve better"

posts: 3731   ·   registered: Feb. 1st, 2005
id 8740179

number4 ( member #62204) posted at 6:58 PM on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022

I hear you. I'm not very motivated to get back out and do any socializing in large groups. We did go to a wedding last October and, looking back, we were lucky we didn't get it then (at least one guest tested positive a couple of days later). We have flown several times, but keep our mask on, even when we are no longer required to do so. With our first grandchild due any day now, H and I have returned to being very, very cautious. We don't want a COVID diagnosis to keep us from meeting him when D comes home from the hospital (we plan to spend two weeks with them then). We are both vaxed and double-boosted. I will feel better when the new vaccine specific to Omicron comes out later this year. But I don't know if that will make me want to go back to pre-pandemic activities.

H's workplace has been incredibly safe... until a couple of weeks ago. No one had gotten it, nor had anyone's spouse or partner gotten it. That changed - two employees have gotten it (from their spouses), and two others are playing the waiting game, as their partners have it, so they expect to get it. H works in the pharmaceutical research industry, so all of the scientists (and their families) have been following stringent protocols for the past two years, which is what I think has led to their escaping it, until now. When they are at work, unless they are in their offices with the doors closed, they must wear a mask. They have group meetings outside. They are lucky their work allows them the opportunity of isolation they can work with; I realize that most places of employment are not like that. H is really a sort of private person, so he's not necessarily upset that there aren't a lot of in-person meetings at work.

I have started to meet with a couple of small groups from our church, but only in outdoor settings. These typically tend to be older members (mostly retired), so I know they're all being careful when not in our small groups. Unfortunately, COVID hit about a year and a half after we relocated to our current area, and I hadn't yet acquired a long-standing group of friends. We were just starting to really meet people, then everything shut down. I was incredibly stressed at first, but then developed a routine that allowed me some sanity while not going out anywhere (other than the necessities). I found a place where I was content. As things started to open up, and we took a few mitigated risks, I realized I didn't really miss all the going out we used to do prior to moving here. I get my social interaction needs met a few times a week with going to Pilates (it's at a PT clinic, so they're still mandated to require all clients to mask when there) and working with a trainer at my home twice a week. I've found when I have a day where I have two or three things scheduled (like today - hair appt., Pilates, etc), it totally stresses me out. I'd rather just hang at home and putz around.

I think the pandemic has allowed some of us to re-evaluate how we really want to live; for those of us who tended to be over scheduled prior to the pandemic, it's been a relief. But before we moved, I was a very social person - always lining up my next get together with a friend. However, that was also pre-husband's hitting bottom, so if I wanted to connect with people, he wasn't an option for me and I had to get that need met from others. Now that he's more emotionally available, I can get those needs to connect met from him. It's definitely all a change for me.

Me: BWHim: WHMarried - 30+ yearsTwo adult daughters1st affair: 2005-20072nd-4th affairs: 2016-2017Many assessments/polygraph: no sex addictionStatus: R

posts: 1363   ·   registered: Jan. 10th, 2018   ·   location: New England
id 8740185

Superesse ( member #60731) posted at 8:34 PM on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022

I hear y'all about how the pandemic changes our risk awareness while being around people. To this day, if we walk into a restaurant and I hear ONE cough, I ask the staffer to find us another table, preferably outside. I no longer feel like I'm being extreme, either, because of one thing I have noticed: just as it was before Covid, so many people seem oblivious to how they could be spreading respiratory germs. It's like they cannot imagine themselves as vectors? OR they're already suffering, so they figure why not share the misery? I've seen some behaviors that fit with the latter possibility!

In our rural area, people were not overly cooperative with distancing protocols even during lockdown months. Soon as restrictions were lifted, I noticed for most folks, it was back to whatever they were doing before - they hadn't learned anything about communicable disease. Here, it has seemed that the people who got the worst cases of Covid were sometimes the ones trying their best to take the precautions. Four of my friends in their 70's all came down with Covid last year due to one dinner party, where a woman who had recently "recovered" after a trip to a hot spot in NYC, was calmly sharing how she had caught it there and still had symptoms of some kind in her neck and throat. I was sitting right next to her as she described this, and I asked "when did you get Covid?" When she replied "about 2 weeks ago." I decided even if she felt she was past it, I felt it was time I helped clear the dishes, so I could put some space between us. Two days later, 4 ladies sitting at that table got sick and also 2 of the men in the house who weren't part of the lunch bunch.

Jeanniegirl, your experience in the checkout line really shows how inconsiderate people can be! Even if masks don't work, and especially if she thinks they don't, why couldn't she take some kind of protective measure for the sake of those around her? Because SHE DIDN'T CARE. Grrrrrr.

posts: 2155   ·   registered: Sep. 22nd, 2017   ·   location: Washington D C area
id 8740207

tushnurse ( member #21101) posted at 10:13 PM on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022

Numbers are definitely up right now, but almost everyone I have interacted with that has had it recently, it is basically a bad cold w/ a persistent snotty nose.
That said there are a handful and by handful I mean very few that have gotten really sick w/it this go. The one that I had followed was not vacc'd ever for it, and had just about every risk factor for recovery one can think of .....

My sister who also is in the medical field, just doesn't deal with patients has gone to the hospital every single day since this started. She got it last week. First time. Her H tested positive today, second time, they both don't feel awful, but are snotty. I took them a goody bag of mucinex, tylenol, tissues, hard candies, honey, and chicken and dumplings.

Hoping they both start feeling better soon.

I would recommend wearing masks, washing hands, using sanitizer for the next little bit if you are truly fearful of getting it. Our system stated today that we are near peak or at peak for this burst of it in our area.

That said.... Gotta Yah, I was a homebody all along, but Covid has ruined me. Often I can't find a bra when I do need to go out. I order most things through services, and even get my groceries delivered. I love not having to deal with humanity outside of work. And I have the blessing to work from home.

Me: FBSHim: FWSKids: 23 & 27 Married for 32 years now, was 16 at the time.D-Day Sept 26 2008R'd in about 2 years. Old Vet now.

posts: 20265   ·   registered: Oct. 1st, 2008   ·   location: St. Louis
id 8740224

Superesse ( member #60731) posted at 1:41 AM on Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

Hi Tushnurse,

You always have the most helpful posts. Could you do this old woman a favor and clarify what is a Covid "snotty nose"? Because I am still remembering how they said Covid was unlike many other respiratory viruses in producing a lot of horrible phlegm. Well, no doubt that has now changed. But would you specifically define "runny nose" versus "snotty nose?" To me, a runny nose is like what my WH gets with his hay fever: clear, thin but keeps on dripping, versus what I think "snotty nose" is: thick, yellow or even yellow-green, horrible stuff? OR is Covid snotty nose just white but thicker, copious mucus?

This is a major gross topic, I realize, but nobody ever defines this in the online medical forums! It would be very helpful to know the difference, thanks!

[This message edited by Superesse at 1:43 AM, Wednesday, June 15th]

posts: 2155   ·   registered: Sep. 22nd, 2017   ·   location: Washington D C area
id 8740259

tushnurse ( member #21101) posted at 2:35 PM on Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

would you specifically define "runny nose" versus "snotty nose?" To me, a runny nose is like what my WH gets with his hay fever: clear, thin but keeps on dripping, versus what I think "snotty nose" is: thick, yellow or even yellow-green, horrible stuff? OR is Covid snotty nose just white but thicker, copious mucus?

To be brief, and not TJ = Yes when you get Covid now, w/ Omicron or its subvariants, it starts as a sore throat and a headache, that can be one of the worst you ever had. It's due to the extreme congestion, and it takes several days for things to start loosening up.
Finally when it does break free it is excessive, with drainage, and post nasal drip. It can be thick and slow to move especially if you aren't drinking tons of water, and taking the Mucinex.

Me: FBSHim: FWSKids: 23 & 27 Married for 32 years now, was 16 at the time.D-Day Sept 26 2008R'd in about 2 years. Old Vet now.

posts: 20265   ·   registered: Oct. 1st, 2008   ·   location: St. Louis
id 8740313

whatisloveanyway ( member #66450) posted at 5:11 PM on Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

You are not alone. I travelled and went to concerts, museums, festivals, movies and restaurants regularly pre-Covid and missed them very much. I kept saying I couldn't wait to get back to normal, but there is no more normal, and apparently no end to the mutations of the virus. I have dodged so many bullets, as my friends and family have almost all caught one or several versions.

I do not feel comfortable in public yet, I'm not sure when I will again. I went to the movies for the first time in three years yesterday, a lightly attended matinee, and the anxiety was manageable but loud. I heard four people cough and one sneeze and will be slightly on edge for a week waiting for symptoms. It just feels like uncontrollable risk to me, wondering who in the room might be exposed or spreading.

I'm double boosted and just can't seem to relax. Maybe if I finally just get it I will feel differently, but I am worried about my immune response and still would prefer to never catch it. My grown kids have decided to resume normal life, so visits with them cause me some worry too. They travel for their jobs and I haven't set foot in an airport since Feb. 2020 and I used to travel a lot. It seems frivolous to me now, all that expense and hassle to go places I don't have to go to, but wanted to and thought was normal. I am re-evaluating what is important to me, and some of that is Covid and some of that is infidelity related too.

I think this is a great time to be a bit of a loner, to enjoy quiet walks in the woods away from the masses and to tend my yard and garden. I miss cultural and social events and I really miss hugging people I love because we don't see each other as often as we used to. But I also noticed that I am changing and it's not all about Covid - at a neighborhood outdoor event this year I found small talk was very hard to make and it was harder to engage socially than I remember!

I'm not sure if this is my new normal, or if things will get easier. But I'm with you, happy to stay inside, and surprised I feel this way. Hope you find the right balance for you and your family.

BW: 64 WH: 64 Both 57 on Dday, M 37 years, 2 grown kids. WH had 9 year A with MOW, 7 month false R, multiple DDays from 2017 - 2022, with five years of trickle truth and lies. I got rid of her with one email. Reconciling, or trying to.

posts: 574   ·   registered: Oct. 9th, 2018   ·   location: Southeastern USA
id 8740337

FaithFool ( member #20150) posted at 6:25 PM on Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

Was just reading a tweet about a doctor who was stuck in a plane on the tarmac in Toronto for SIX HOURS, waiting to disembark. He's now got Covid and the ER where he works is scrambling to cover his shifts. And who knows how many other passengers got a dose of it sitting there for so long with the air circulation turned off. Air travel is a huge gamble right now. duh

[This message edited by FaithFool at 6:26 PM, Wednesday, June 15th]

DDay: June 15, 2008
Mistakenly married Mr. Superfreak
20 years of OWs, WTF?
Divorced Dec 26, 2011
"Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget
to sing in the lifeboats". -- Voltaire

posts: 21575   ·   registered: Jul. 7th, 2008   ·   location: Canada
id 8740355

Jeaniegirl ( member #6370) posted at 12:04 AM on Thursday, June 16th, 2022

I just read that Dr. Fauci has tested positive for Covid 19 and is experiencing mild symptoms.

"Because I deserve better"

posts: 3731   ·   registered: Feb. 1st, 2005
id 8740399

BraveSirRobin ( member #69242) posted at 12:52 AM on Thursday, June 16th, 2022

But would you specifically define "runny nose" versus "snotty nose?"

I tested positive last Friday, and the mucus has been unbelievably thick. It just sat there like a stone in my sinus cavity until I'd had a few rounds of Mucinex. Oddly enough, I escaped the headache, though I had a sore throat, dry cough, some digestive issues, and was overall exhausted.

I was double boosted, with the second booster in early May, so I was supposed to be at peak immunity (as was my H, from whom I caught it). I took the antivirals, too. I still felt moderately awful, so it's intimidating to think how things might have gone if I hadn't done all the recommended steps to reduce the likelihood of severe disease.


posts: 3652   ·   registered: Dec. 27th, 2018
id 8740403

hcsv ( member #51813) posted at 1:59 AM on Thursday, June 16th, 2022

It seems like Covid is getting everyone it missed previously. I work in healthcare, vaccinated and boosted, had many, many exposures and finally got it three weeks ago. Seems everyone I know who hasnt had it yet are getting it this time.

After 40 years, ex turned into someone I didnt know and couldnt trust anymore. Divorced. 1/17

posts: 772   ·   registered: Feb. 14th, 2016
id 8740407

grubs ( member #77165) posted at 2:34 AM on Thursday, June 16th, 2022

Unless I had a mild case I'm still one that's escaped it so far. But then again my entire family had the a bad case of the "Flu" in Jan/Feb of 2020 and the wife and kid had exposure to people who were in China in that time frame.

posts: 1614   ·   registered: Jan. 21st, 2021
id 8740412

hcsv ( member #51813) posted at 10:00 PM on Thursday, June 16th, 2022

We have to have every pt covid tested two days prior to their procedure. We are getting 3-4 positives a day and the patients dont even know until test comes back. They arent sick at all. Still have to cancel their procedure.

After 40 years, ex turned into someone I didnt know and couldnt trust anymore. Divorced. 1/17

posts: 772   ·   registered: Feb. 14th, 2016
id 8740516

 Gottagetthrough (original poster member #27325) posted at 11:53 PM on Thursday, June 16th, 2022

I just feel like i lost my desire to socialize. I also lost some acquaintances during the pandemic, since we didnt see each other we lost touch…

It feels lonely, but is so exhausting to socialize!

posts: 3835   ·   registered: Jan. 22nd, 2010
id 8740532

DragnHeart ( member #32122) posted at 1:38 AM on Friday, June 17th, 2022

It feels lonely, but is so exhausting to socialize!

This! So much this.

I was never the type to socialize much anyways and found the lockdowns were pretty much normal. Once a week grocery shop, that's it.

Now though that once a week outting drives me batty! People are more nasty and grumpy. And I have less patience to deal with it. Usually I could smile and skip and just be silly and people would smile or laugh and now all I get are mean looks.

Had an ultrasound today, masks still required when inside. I didn't take mine off when I left the building until I got to the van. I got nasty looks while walking across the parking lot.

I just want to stay hidden at home now.

Me: BS 46 WH: 37 (BrokenHeart911)Four little dragons. Met 2006. Married 2008. Dday of LTPA with co worker October 19th 2010. Knew about EA with ow1 before that. Now up to PA #5. Serial fucking Cheater.

posts: 25830   ·   registered: May. 10th, 2011   ·   location: Canada
id 8740542

getbusyliving ( member #71058) posted at 5:21 AM on Friday, June 17th, 2022

I also relate to this. Our family got covid - omicron a month ago yet we have been super careful as we have community transmission now and there has been a wave of Covid and Omicron variant accross our nation. I mask up everywhere still and shops and public transport still ask people to be masked. Post Covid, I have had headaches and fatigue and so have others I know who have had it. Our borders are now opened which is why it spread and vulnerable people have ended up in hospital and we have had deaths. I like to work from home and at the office, everyone wears a mask when walking around. I have avoided social events and will do so while it is winter here. We also have a big risk of a flu epidemic because our borders have been closed for so long and people will bring it in. So our medical experts are worried about this as well. Everyone is so tired of Covid eh! But it hasn't gone away and it is still a serious risk for people. I have masks everywhere and sanitiser in cars, bags etc. There are sanitisers everywhere in public, shops, schools you name it and I use them all the time.

Some people wish our borders never reopened and we just became a self sufficient little nation to ourselves lol. Unfortunately we have to be connected to the big world out there and that has its risks. I think it has made a permanent impact on how we live in our communities but time will tell if people get more complacent as we relax our rules here as well.

I am also trying to figure out what is this monkey pox in the news and should we worry about that!

posts: 102   ·   registered: Jul. 21st, 2019
id 8740557
Topic is Sleeping.
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