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Newest Member: Btay11

Just Found Out :
3 weeks post D-day still feels surreal

Topic is Sleeping.

 Betsydonewrong (original poster new member #84186) posted at 6:46 PM on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Hello SI community. First-time poster, obviously.

I will do my best to make this make sense. There's a lot.

WH and I have been together for just over 2 years. We JUST got married at the end of May and moved to a farm in Missouri in August. He's 54, I'm 46, so not spring chickens. We met and went on a first date a few weeks later. When we kissed, it was like fireworks exploded in the sky. It was magic. Things progressed quickly and we fell in love hard and fast. The past two years have been like a fairy tale. We had so much in common. Our chemistry was off the charts. We seemed perfect for each other. We laughed and had so much fun together. I loved him so much. I truly had stars in my eyes.

Before we moved to Missouri, WH owned a jewelry store in California (where we moved from). It was his dad's, so family business. He'd been talking about selling the store since I met him, but decided to keep it open and let the woman who manages the store run it day to day once we moved to Missouri. So he owns it, manager runs it now. We live in Missouri. Manager is in California. She has been working at the jewelry store for years. She is also married.

WH didn't invite anyone from the jewelry store to our wedding. He never told anyone at work he was married. They knew he was dating me, but I never met any of them. He even gave me a fake name in his phone - Betsy. Hence betsydonewrong. He said he didn't want his co-workers in his private life, and that he wanted to keep his work and personal life separate. Plausible enough, or so I thought.

He gave me the impression that I wasn't allowed to go to the store during business hours, so I never went there. I didn't understand why, and I thought it was odd, but I just let it be. Now I know he didn't want me and the manager in the same room together, because...

D-day was 3 weeks ago. I glanced down at WH's phone to see what time it was and saw a text thread between him and the store manager on a day when the store is closed. She said she was alone and asked if he could call her. He said it wasn't a good time (he was with me) and he wished he could "my love." He called her "my love." She wrote back "Okay have a wonderful day DADDY." Yes, daddy. With kissy face and heart emojis.

We were outside laying gravel, so I went into the house and started bawling my eyes out because I assumed the worst. WH came inside and found me crying hysterically and when I asked him what was going on, he said, very calmly, looking me in the eye, that the content of those texts was just how him and the store manager always talked to each other and it's just silly banter that's been going on at the store for years and it doesn't mean anything.

I bought it, at first. Then I started thinking about it and it didn't sit right with me. I didn't want to believe that this amazing man I'd married and uprooted my entire life for would have an affair. A few days later, I found some emails in his account from late August/early September (after we'd moved to Missouri). He'd broken the screen on his phone and he was telling her to contact him by email. And more "I love you" and "I miss you." And he calls her pet names he calls me, like sweet baby, beautiful girl, and baby girl. He can't even be original and call us different names. I confronted him and then WH told me a story about how the manager had been raped several years ago and he was the one who took her to the doctors and filed police reports. And that she came to WH, not her own husband because she knew her husband would kill the guy who raped her. So WH said him and the manager formed this bond and they've been close ever since. But he still said he loves me and wants only me, and he's here with me and she's there and he doesn't want her, blah blah.

A few days later, I start going through his phone and I find more text messages between them planning to have secret phone calls, and he's telling her he loves her and misses her. He kept in touch with her the entire time we were driving from California to Missouri. And texts from around the time we left (mid-July) from him to her said "I'm so sad." "My heart hurts knowing I'm not going to see you today." Etc.

Going further back, it appears they may have still been intimate while he was with me, because she accused him of giving him an STD that I had given him. PS I just had an STD test two weeks ago thanks to this. It came back clean.

I called WH's mother and started talking to her about all of this. WH got VERY angry at me about bringing his mother into this and became somewhat violent. We were in the car, and he kept punching the seat right beside my head. Later in the day, he pushed me. Broke and threw things, and pulled out his handgun and threatened to blow his brains out. He stuck the gun in his mouth twice. Eventually he left in his truck, with half my stuff, cuz I was packing to leave at that point. But he texted me not that long after and said he was sorry and wanted to talk and came home. WH smoothed things over with his mom and told her the same lies he's been telling me. The fact that he got as angry as he did is further indication of guilt, if you ask me.

He locked down his phone about a week and a half ago, claiming I was invading his privacy. He broke his phone last week when he threw it at me and it landed on the counter and the screen shattered. So he's been without a phone for a week. But I found more emails between him and the manager in this past week, including a secret email account he thinks I know nothing about. More of the same. He's telling her he loves her and misses her, etc.

I also found a Christmas card from her to him that said "me and you forever" and "I'll never stop loving you." It was dated 12-25-22, which was more than a year into my relationship with him. At some point, he told me they did have a relationship and it lasted about a year and they were sleeping together. So I'm pretty sure this affair was going on the entire time he and I were together, even though he says he stopped things with her when he met me because he only wanted to be with me and he thought I was amazing and the love of his life. He tells me " I won because he's here with me" and that I need to stop being so insecure and be more confident because I have him. Umm no, I don't.

I have to be careful going into his computer because I discovered the browser he uses tracks everything and if he checks the history, he'd be able to see that his accounts were being logged into at times when he wasn't around. I don't want to mess with the settings or anything for fear of messing something up. But I also don't want him to lock his computer down because it's the only way I can have any inkling what's going on right now since he won't let me see his phone.

Things I don't understand: Why he would marry me and move to Missouri with me when he's involved with another woman in California? Why does he continue to carry on with her when he's here with me?

A couple of other details: I have a job, he doesn't. His only income is from the jewelry store, and it's sporadic at best. The store isn't doing well, and hasn't for years. So I am the breadwinner. BUT WH's mom sent him $12,000 this month that he told me nothing about, so I'm sure she'll be able to take care of him if I leave. But I think he moved out here with me in part because he knew I could take care of him financially. I have a good remote job and I make good money.

We didn't live together prior to getting married. I have children from previous marriages. Everything changed once we moved in together, which was in July right before we left for Missouri. He became mean and easily annoyed and very impatient with me. I thought it was the stress of the move, having to pack up our lives and move halfway across the country. We continued to fight when we got here, and now I guess I know why. He was broken hearted at having to leave his love in California.

And after D-day, everything is different between us. There's no more trust, obviously. We are tiptoeing around each other, he's trying to keep his secrets, I'm constantly on hyper-vigilant watch trying to see what he's doing, if he's emailing or texting her, etc. It's exhausting and so, so demoralizing. Our entire dynamic has changed. We aren't the same as we were before, and I know that the fairy tale is over. It's become a horrible nightmare. I am devastated. I can't eat and my sleep is horrible. I'm on edge and ready to explode all the time. And yet, I am faking it right now, trying to be sweet and keep the peace while plotting an escape. He is in his head, and barely listens to me or talks to me. We are still intimate, but even that isn't the same.

I think I have no other choice but to leave at this point. He is never going to tell me the truth, and he can't go NC with the store manager because she runs his business. He isn't going to stop with her. I can't keep pretending everything is okay, and I'm terrified of making him angry again. And he simply isn't the man I fell in love with. He's a stranger with bad character and poor moral choices. I never thought he'd be the type of man to do this. He seemed to have so much integrity and a strong faith in God. He's the type of man who says grace before almost every meal, and we attend church every Sunday.

I'm so broken, and I have a lot of healing to do. I don't see an opportunity for R here. It's going to sound messed up, but I still love him so much. At least I love the man I fell in love with. I have to keep reminding myself he doesn't exist, and the man I'm living with is a deeply flawed stranger. I have to love and respect myself enough to walk away, and I have to teach my daughter that it's not acceptable to continue with someone who lies to and betrays you.

[This message edited by Betsydonewrong at 12:43 AM, Wednesday, November 29th]

posts: 24   ·   registered: Nov. 26th, 2023   ·   location: Missouri
id 8816526

Jajaynumb ( member #83674) posted at 7:19 PM on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It sounds like an extremely toxic situation. If I were you I’d leave, he doesn’t sound like he’s capable of telling the truth.

posts: 174   ·   registered: Aug. 1st, 2023   ·   location: Europe
id 8816528

 Betsydonewrong (original poster new member #84186) posted at 7:43 PM on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Thank you Jayjaynumb. It helps to have someone validate my thinking to leave.

[This message edited by Betsydonewrong at 7:44 PM, Tuesday, November 28th]

posts: 24   ·   registered: Nov. 26th, 2023   ·   location: Missouri
id 8816531

BearlyBreathing ( member #55075) posted at 7:49 PM on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Betsy, I am so sorry you had to find us. Infidelity is a bitch, so please make taking care of yourself your #1 priority.

1) See a lawyer (or three). Don’t tell him. Learn your rights. Knowledge is power and this will be very helpful. You don’t have to file immediately, but it will arm you with how to protect yourself and your finances.

2) Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and financially. Eat healthfully, drink lots of water, get some exercise and sleep. See your doctor if you have any problems sleeping or with anxiety. Great job getting the STD taken care of. Protect your finances.

3) Keep and hide any evidence you have (like screen shots) where he can’t get to them.

4) Get help IRL. An IC (individual counseling) can be very helpful. Also a pastor or other trusted person you can confide in. Bestie? Sister? Better not part of his family— things can get muddy there.

5) Read in the healing library here and post as much as you need. Don’t share this place with him. - it is your refuge.

And really think about D. I generally don’t like to say that, but he’s been cheating the whole time- during what should be your honeymoon period. He’s a serial chronic cheater and it sounds like he’s not going to change. I am so sorry. But if he’s cheating now… just wow.

Again, so sorry you had to find us. But you are among folks who understand. And we know you will be okay. You will get through this.

Me: BS 57 (49 on d-day)Him: *who cares ;-) *. D-Day 8/15/2016 LTA. Kinda liking my new life :-)

**horrible typist, lots of edits to correct. :-/ **

posts: 6178   ·   registered: Sep. 10th, 2016   ·   location: Northern CA
id 8816532

DobleTraicion ( member #78414) posted at 7:50 PM on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Ma'am, I am so very sorry you are facing the deceit and betrayal.

Listen, there is so much I could say, but when you posted this:

We were in the car, and he kept punching the seat right beside my head. Later in the day, he pushed me. Broke and threw things, and pulled out his handgun and threatened to blow his brains out. He stuck the gun in his mouth twice.

I am left with one recommendation...get out. Get out now.

When violence is triggered and a firearm is brandished, it can well be stage 1 of escalation and you dont need/want to stick around for stage 2 and whatever that entails.

I have zero tolerance policy for violence and/or threats of violence.

Getting clear of your charlatan of a Husband as safely as possible is job 1. Do you have trusted friends or family you could stay with for a while?

You may also consider filing a report with the police.

Please take this very seriously. Right now the whys and wherefors of your WHs deceit and infidelity take a backseat to your safety.

"You'd figure that in modern times, people wouldn't feel the need to get married if they didn't agree with the agenda"

~ lascarx

posts: 362   ·   registered: Mar. 2nd, 2021   ·   location: South
id 8816533

 Betsydonewrong (original poster new member #84186) posted at 8:22 PM on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023


Thank you for all the great advice. I'm trying to take care of myself as best I can. It seems the only thing we can do when we feel powerless in our situation is to empower ourselves to at least take care of our needs.

WH and I aren't legally married, thank God. I should have specified - we had a union ceremony, but we didn't actually sign a marriage license or do any paperwork whatsoever. Our finances are also completely separate, and he doesn't have access to my bank account, and vice versa. So I can basically walk away without going through an official divorce.

I am going to go to my parents' in South Carolina. Once there, I will definitely seek IC. I need it. I am both codependent and a woman who loves too much. This is the worst situation I've been through with a man, but I've been married four times, and none of them ended well. So I have a lot of work to do on myself. And I am swearing off men for the rest of my life!

Thank you most of all for the encouragement. Right now, I am wondering how I'll survive this. But it helps to know y'all came out the other side and have the wisdom to help others. I am deeply sorry for all the hurt and pain you have been through.

[This message edited by Betsydonewrong at 8:23 PM, Tuesday, November 28th]

posts: 24   ·   registered: Nov. 26th, 2023   ·   location: Missouri
id 8816535

 Betsydonewrong (original poster new member #84186) posted at 8:25 PM on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023


Thank you - I have no doubt that you are right. Another thing I never saw coming, that he could be as violent as he is. Temper is very short and he is agitated easily. Something else I never saw during our courtship. He was always charming, funny, and simply delightful. What an act. I do have trusted family I can stay with. I'll be going to my parents' in South Carolina as soon as I am able, which will hopefully be in the next few weeks. Thank you again for looking out for me. Appreciate you!

posts: 24   ·   registered: Nov. 26th, 2023   ·   location: Missouri
id 8816536

DobleTraicion ( member #78414) posted at 11:32 PM on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

I'll be going to my parents' in South Carolina as soon as I am able, which will hopefully be in the next few weeks.

Good, but the sooner the better imo. Please do so as clandestinely as possible without telegraphing your intent.

Have you confided in close/trusted family or friends as to what has transpired? If not, Id recommend you do so so that someone else is "in the know". You just cannot mess around with scenarios like this in this day and age.

I encourage you to move with a purpose and relocate with all possible haste.

"You'd figure that in modern times, people wouldn't feel the need to get married if they didn't agree with the agenda"

~ lascarx

posts: 362   ·   registered: Mar. 2nd, 2021   ·   location: South
id 8816552

leafields ( Guide #63517) posted at 11:41 PM on Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Hi Betsy, and sorry that you had reason to join SI. Infidelity is the worst. There are some pinned posts at the top of the forum that you may find helpful. The Healing Library has a lot of information, including the list of acronyms we use.

If he claims to be suicidal, call the authorities. If he needs help, he will get it. If he's doing it to manipulate you, then he'll learn not to do that again.

For some context with this next little bit, my XWH is a diagnosed covert narc and the next couple of comments are things I've learned should have been red flags.

Things progressed quickly and we fell in love hard and fast.

Narc (psychopaths and sociopaths) will love bomb you and overwhelm your senses so that you fall in love hard and fast. Toes curl, fireworks, magic, etc. They aren't showing you who they really are, and are mirroring you so that you feel like you've found The One in a matter of weeks.

The fact that he got as angry as he did

The mask is slipping and he's angry because he's not able to completely control the outcome. He didn't want you at the store so you wouldn't pick up on things between him & AP. Not telling people you were together further allows him to keep secrets, and affairs flourish in secrecy and privacy.

See your doctor if you need medication to help, whether for depression, sleep, anxiety. Infidelity messes with your brain, and sometimes the meds can help you for a short time.

BW M 34years, Dday 1: March 2018, Dday 2: August 2019, D final 2/25/21

posts: 3823   ·   registered: Apr. 21st, 2018   ·   location: Washington State
id 8816553

 Betsydonewrong (original poster new member #84186) posted at 12:48 AM on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

DobleTraicion, again thank you for the sage advice. So, I was thinking I would tell him, but you recommend leaving in the dark of night, as it were? That makes sense for safety purposes. I can see I still have some thinking to do to make this a fullproof plan. One big issue is that I don't have my own car. I was going to rent one, pack it up, and go. But converse with him first and let him know I am going. But perhaps that is unwise after all. Next Friday is on my radar as E-day (escape day) for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is it kind of the first feasible day. But I did not bank on him being gone that day, so that throws a wrench.

I do have close friends/family who know. My mother went through this with my dad years ago, so she has been my main confidante. I also have a friend in Japan who I have been confiding in, but you know, she is halfway across the world so not really a help to me here. We just moved here, so I don't have anyone close I can confide in/to help me escape.

posts: 24   ·   registered: Nov. 26th, 2023   ·   location: Missouri
id 8816562

 Betsydonewrong (original poster new member #84186) posted at 12:51 AM on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

Hi leafields,

Thank you for the insight. I feel so stupid. I have been with narcs before and thought I could spot one a mile away. I was so, so blind. You're spot on in all of your observations. I know now why I wasn't welcome at the store and why he never told anyone we had a union ceremony. I can't believe he lied in front of our friends, family, and God. His AP knows about me, that I exist and that we are in a relationship, anyway. I also can't believe he never loved me, and that he is in love with someone else. I am gutted by that. I will absolutely consider your advice about meds. I have tried to avoid them in the past, and I am somewhat prone to depression. Infidelity is a mind F I never could have imagined, and I am having a hard time staying afloat this time. Thank you, to you, and to everyone, for being here. It is comforting and helps more than you know.

[This message edited by Betsydonewrong at 12:52 AM, Wednesday, November 29th]

posts: 24   ·   registered: Nov. 26th, 2023   ·   location: Missouri
id 8816563

Cooley2here ( member #62939) posted at 1:02 AM on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

He moved you remotely. Get to a lawyer and make an airtight will and send copies to everyone you know. Then get the hell out of dodge!!!

When things go wrong, don’t go with them. Elvis

posts: 4350   ·   registered: Mar. 5th, 2018   ·   location: US
id 8816565

Tanner ( Guide #72235) posted at 2:44 AM on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

Oh I'm so sorry to read this. Please follow the above advice. He is an abuser, a very dangerous man. I know it's easier said than done but you have to leave ASAP!!! This is how abusers operate, its a very common pattern, they shower you with affection, scare you, shower affection, wash rinse repeat. He is dangerous and if he ever pulls a gun again call 911.

Please stick around, you are safe here and among a great group that understands.

Dday Sept 7 2019 doing well in R BH M 32 years

posts: 3575   ·   registered: Dec. 5th, 2019   ·   location: Texas DFW
id 8816573

 Betsydonewrong (original poster new member #84186) posted at 5:08 AM on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

Thank you Cooley2here. I am SO remote... we are literally in the boondocks of the sticks. Trying to get out asap.

posts: 24   ·   registered: Nov. 26th, 2023   ·   location: Missouri
id 8816576

 Betsydonewrong (original poster new member #84186) posted at 5:10 AM on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

Thank you, Tanner. This is a pattern I seem to keep repeating. Lots of self reflection and work to do. I am determined to survive this and NEVER, EVER do it again. I escaped an emotionally abusive relationship in 2016, and that took a lonnnnngggg time to heal from. Maybe I never did, since I made the mistake again with my STBXWH. I am appalled that I let this happen to me again, and I will do everything in my power to get out, be strong, and take back my life. Thank you for looking out for me. Appreciate you.

posts: 24   ·   registered: Nov. 26th, 2023   ·   location: Missouri
id 8816577

FunHouseMirror ( member #80992) posted at 6:27 AM on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

I am so sorry you're going through this. One thing that we have to do is to learn not to ignore red flags. Him not allowing you into his jewelry store during business hours is a huge red flag. I know it's easier to see this in hindsight, but I just wanted to point this out because we somehow talk ourselves into normalizing things that are very, very odd when in the moment. Try not to do that in the future. :) (We all have done it, I just wanted to point that out.)

Please completely cut this man off after you leave. It was a mistake to be with him, but you now know that and can move on. Luckily you have no legal ties to this man, and can cut him off and pretend it never happened. Do not continue to converse with him, and let him convince you that he loves you and will do better. A man who truly loves you would never have done what he did.

Make the break quick and clean and leave it in the past.

Don't blame yourself for this as people like this are slick and sly and they know what they are doing.

You will be ok.

posts: 248   ·   registered: Sep. 21st, 2022
id 8816579

DobleTraicion ( member #78414) posted at 11:29 AM on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

So, I was thinking I would tell him, but you recommend leaving in the dark of night, as it were? That makes sense for safety purposes.

Ma'am, all I am saying is that when violence is resorted to and firearms are brandished, all other issues, marital or otherwise, become a distant second to your safety. You dont know the complete picture and the emotional pressure cooker he may have become. The guy is unhinged to behave that way. Should you then just inform him that you're leaving him, I think the probability is pretty high that you could see/experience another outburst which could be far worse than the prior.

You should also see an attorney to try and protect yourself legally but again, your safety comes first.

Put another way, why would you stay another minute with someone who has deceived and betrayed you and then acted in a violent manner involving a GUN????

As an aside, Ive seen stats that show that domestic violence spikes around the holidays.

Ill say it again, please get out.

[This message edited by DobleTraicion at 11:33 AM, Wednesday, November 29th]

"You'd figure that in modern times, people wouldn't feel the need to get married if they didn't agree with the agenda"

~ lascarx

posts: 362   ·   registered: Mar. 2nd, 2021   ·   location: South
id 8816585

Tanner ( Guide #72235) posted at 11:33 AM on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

This is a pattern I seem to keep repeating.

I hope you don't think I was putting this on you. I was saying HE is showing a pattern of abuse. This is not your fault he is a con man, you were lied to. I'm glad you are getting away from him.

Dday Sept 7 2019 doing well in R BH M 32 years

posts: 3575   ·   registered: Dec. 5th, 2019   ·   location: Texas DFW
id 8816586

The1stWife ( Guide #58832) posted at 11:59 AM on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

In short order you need to get away from this lunatic and ASAP.

Do not tell him you are leaving.

Just leave. With as much stuff as you can take. Leave the rest behind b/c it is replaceable.

Block his contact - on every way possible. Same for your friends & family - they need to block him immediately.

There are domestic violence agencies that can help you leave. Call them now!! They will help you get a plan together to get away from this situation. Even if you are remote they will help you.

You are in an abusive relationship and situation. I pray for your safety and sanity too.

Call a domestic violence hotline today! They will help you escape.

Survived two affairs and brink of Divorce. Happily reconciled. 10 years out from Dday. Reconciliation takes two committed people to be successful.

posts: 14145   ·   registered: May. 19th, 2017
id 8816589

Bigger ( Attaché #8354) posted at 2:08 PM on Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

What you describe is a serious, controlling, and abusive relationship.
As is the process of implying violence (smashing the car near your head) and the threat of self-violence. The moment he figures out neither is going to work is when he will start direct violence.
Whose initiative was it to move to Winsconsin? Who pushed for it? The answer to that might tell us – and you something. A typical pattern for abusive/controlling people is distancing their victim from their support group.

Do you have any significant money invested in the farm? Is your name on any deed, loan or legal document? Can you move out with no significant loss of funds?

My suggestion?
Lay low for as long (but as short!) as you can, Act subdued and calm – as if nothing ever happened. Does he ever leave the home, as in maybe go for a day to check on the store? If he and Mrs. Manager have the hots for each other he might have an important "meeting" requiring his attention. When and if that happens – be prepared and the moment you can confirm his plane has left ground start packing what matters and getting out of there. You can box and store what you can’t take and be out of the home within 4 hours of starting the process. If needed (and if possible) have a friend be prepared to come help you. The goal is that within the SHORTEST time possible after he leaves the home you too are out of the doors and headed for safety.

Later – like maybe next day or when and if he calls… You send him a text where you let him know you have fled, that you are out of this relationship due to his infidelities and abusive behavior and that if he tries to contact you it could lead to legal action.

Drastic yes, but it beats becoming one more stat in the sadly high column of abused and/or murdered women.

"If, therefore, any be unhappy, let him remember that he is unhappy by reason of himself alone." Epictetus

posts: 12620   ·   registered: Sep. 29th, 2005
id 8816601
Topic is Sleeping.
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